• A general contract protecting both of us will be sent and signed before work begins.
  • Turnaround time is based on the manuscript’s length and my current schedule but can be anywhere from a few days to one month.
  • Your manuscript should be complete if you desire a full edit.
  • Edits will be made using the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word.
  • Notes will be made in the manuscript’s margins, and you will also receive an email summary. Manuscript evaluations and developmental edits come with a supplementary editorial letter. 
  • Communication during the process is encouraged; I will email you if I have any questions and I encourage you to do the same.
  • You will make the changes you see fit to round one before returning the updated draft. Suggestions or changes that do not fit your vision do NOT have to be accepted. 
  • At your request, we may add a third round if we both deem it to be beneficial.
  • I am also available to help craft and edit other materials, such as query letters.